Thursday 17 November 2016

UNIT 1: Making a difference


Supportive-to give help. Helpful
Outgoing-opposite of shy. Someone who is friendly and enjoys talking with people
Truthful-to be honest, tell the truth
Enthusiastic-very interested or excited about in something
Dependable-someone you can count on
Responsible-to be accountable
Sympathetic-kind with someone who has a problem and understand how they feel
Bitter-feeling angry or upset because of a bad experience
Eager-person who is interested about your things

Cruel to be kind-say something that hurts you, but is good for you


Get better-improve
Get involved-take part
Get permission-check you're allow
Get the feeling-think, have a sensation
Get thing done-finish tasks
Get used to-be accustomed to

Make a difference-be important
Make an effort-try very hard
Make an impression-get a positive reaction
Make the most of it-get as much as possible

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