Tuesday 28 March 2017


This term I've improved  my vocabulary and grammar the most. I often watch a lot of English videos on youtube and original films, and now I almost prefer listening English songs than Spanish ones. I know I have to keep on improving the speaking skil, it's the hardest part for me. Also, this term I got better in my blog, because I've kept up to date it.
About culture I learnt how the life was in 1800s  because of the book we're reading and the project we did about transportation and punishment in Australia. 
I liked so much learning slangs with Clarissa because I think it's important to talk to people, they use them most!

I'm happy with the job I did this term, but the next one I'm sure I'll be able to do it better.

Monday 27 March 2017


bookmark- keep websites that you like on your computer 
log on/off - to access or go out in a website, etc
host-  to run a blog, website, etc
launch- to start something on the internet 
register- to put your data to join in a web page
upload- to share information

diplomacy- the skill of trating speople in hard situations in a peaceful way 
etiquette- rules for social behavior 
netiquette- rules for social behavior on the internet
politness- good manners
rudeness- be impolite, bad manners
rank- the position you have on the society

Thursday 23 March 2017



This is our 2nd term project, about: 
Transportation to Australia in the early 1800'

I did it with Andrea Fernández and Paola Hernández.

Tuesday 21 March 2017


1. Describe de volleyball court

  • The field is a rectangle of 18x9 meters, dividd by a center line, leaving two halves of 9x9 meters each. From 3 meters from the center line is located the line of attack.
  • The network varies in height: for men is 2.43m and for women 2.24m

2. Describe the score in volleyball

  • Every time a team wins a rally, they get a point and the right to serve. A set is won when a team gets 25 points, with two points difference over the opponent. It means that, if the score reaches 24-24, continues until one team gets two points differences. The winner of the match is the team that wins three sets. When the two teams are tied at 2 sets, they play a fifth and final set to 15 points. In this case, also be achieved in two points of difference.

3. Two actions you can do

  • Touching the ball with any part of the body
  • A team can make a maximum of three touches to pass the ball to the opposite track

4. Two actions that you cannot do

  • Take or hold the ball with the hands, it must hit always.
  • To vary the order of rotation during the development of the set

5. Logical order to playing

  • Reception/Defense: the first touch is normally used forearm pass, although you can use the finger pass.
  • Set up: the second touch and the setter usually performed by fingers pass, but if is necessary can also use the forearm pass.
  • Smash: normally carried out by players who are in a forward position, although it can make it by players who are always behind if they don't tresoassing the line of attack.


Click here:

Tuesday 7 March 2017


calm (sb) down- become or make sb quieter or more relaxed
cheer (sb) up - become or make sb happier
chill out - relax completely
cut down - reduce the amount you take or use of sth
face up to - accept that a difficult situation exists
open up - talk about how you feel
slow (sth) down - start to do sth less fast
work out - do excercise to get fit

aching muscles
allergic reaction
broken leg
bruised knee
dislocated shoulder
itchy skin
sore back
sprained wrist
stiff neck
swollen ankle


slope- ground that is incline, such as the side of a hill
steep- a vertical slope (steep hill)
cliff- the steep side of a high area
drop-  to fall 
manners- a person behavior
sneaky way- doing or saying sth in a tricky way 


sick as a dog - you are very, very sick
under the weather- feel sad, depressed
keep your chin up- maintain optimistic in spite of difficulties
when it rains, it pours! - very bad situation, the worst
lickety-split - get better soon, quickly

Related to ANIMALS:
A little bird told me- keeping your source of inf. secret
Whale of a time- to have a great time
Take the bull by the horns- to face a problem
Night owl- someone who stays up late at night
Rat race- the fast pace of life
Eat crow- to be humiliated
Call the dogs off- a requests to stop
Get your ducks in a row- to get your affairs in order