Wednesday 14 December 2016

UNIT 2 : Making money

advertise-try to make people to buy a product or service by announcing it in newspapers, radio, Internet,etc.
appear-perform or speak where you are seen by a lot of people
claim-say something is true although you might not be able to prove it
convince- succeed in making somebody believe something
promote-tell people about a service of a product to make it popular
recommend-say something is good or useful
broadcast-to transmit programmes or messages to radios or televisions

bargain-something you buy that costs much less than normal
bid-to offer a particular amount of money for something, like an auction
auction-event where things are sold to the person who offers the most money
charge-amount of money to pay
purchase-to buy
refund-to give money back
supply-to provide
profit-obtain benefit


change into-to transform
lean-small and thin person        
catchy-easy to remember, for example slogans, songs

a success (noun) - a favourable result of something attempted  
successful (adj) - achieving the result that you want
succeed (verb) - to achieve something that you planned to do 

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